Monday, September 24, 2012

Dearest  Chaltreste
Bonjour! My extensive travels to further my knowledge of the fine country we live in have brought me to the land of Chelanteste (i think perhaps they were trying to please you by naming it after you).
I am told that this is a land of beauty beyond all comprehension. It is said to have a lake, rivers, orchards of all kinds, vineyards, and a quaint little village.
This is a view of the town from the well know Chelanteste Butte (I shall not tell you how they pronounce the word butte, but just know they pronounce it in a way that would make you, dear sister, most delighted)

 I have not see the town looking this appealing since the day of my arrival; due to an unfortunate happening. Upon my arrival the locals decided to welcome me with a delightful festival that ended with a gourmet dinner at sunset, and a beautiful display of fireworks (the fireworks show was obviously run by a bumbling idiot). The festival,and fireworks were lovely. The sunset dinner was a delight. I had a feeling i would like this place, even though it was named to honor you.

Until the following day when we awoke to this...

The foolish fireworks display personal had made a mistake and now there are fires all around. I have never been more grateful for all the training we received as children on how to be polite in even the most dire, and worst of circumstances. I must say I have done well declaring that it just smells like a delightful campfire, and how I love to camp so I don't mind at all. The smoke truly has made for some beautiful sunsets. I did of course continue my public appearances for the first two weeks, as should be expected, and have enjoyed some lovely tours. It does help that my golden coach is so pleasant to ride in, and it equipped with a lovely fresh air system so i can just sit inside and wave at the people of the village as i go by. 

 They built this spectacular bridge just for my visit. It is part of a road only open to me so that i don't have to be bothered with traffic, quite generous of them i must say. I did thank them for the kindness.

Now the past few days we have cancelled all activities as they are declaring the need for all (myself included!!!) to wear masks. They expect me, Alnoncetta, to wear this!

I don't know what it's made of but it scratches my delicate skin, and that is unacceptable! So i have ordered a solid white gold, with 100% pure silk lining mask to be made for me, and am now awaiting it's arrival. Apparently it might take a while due to something about gold not really being material that is breathable, but i trust they will work out the problem in no time.

Meanwhile i am enjoying visiting with the lovely people who have so kindly opened their castle to us.

I am scheduled for daily spa treatments, due to the dryness of the air, and those have been very relaxing. Oh yes, also a new wardrobe must be ordered for the next part of my journey as everything smells of smoke. That is a tedious task, but it must be done. My stylists have arrived now and Seignour (the butler here) is about to let them in so I must promptly end this letter by saying, I do look forward to the second half of my time here. The people have been so welcoming and such a joy to spend time with. I think I shall have to return again another time to enjoy the beauty when i can go on a tour from my yacht, and perhaps then you can come with me.

Au rivoir for now.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Horizons are Being Expanded!

     It has been ages since I have written to you. I look down at my feet that are dirty from checking the mail in shame. Do forgive me! In order to become a better monarch of my (very large) kingdom, I expanded my horizons in Alaska and now the time has come to learn. In accordance to the ridiculous laws my predecessor set up, I am going to a University in my own land Moscovia. However I will be crumpling that rule up like a flimsy piece of 20lb paper when it comes time for me to get my Masters degree. If I am going to master something, it might as will be the entire globe. Traveling across country on my sleek dark stallion, Frogger, will be the best course for that.
    Four short years I will be abiding in my newest acquisition. Crystal clear windows that start at the ground and stretch toward the skies like a giraffe reaching for a delicate acacia leaves. The kitchen where Jimina cooks all day has a beautiful brick oven. Delightful smells are always wafting through the corridors from it. Then there is the Library! It is the size of a fencing yard! Books everywhere! The staircases in my abode that lead up to it are so shiny they sparkle like vampires! Jimina gets the biggest thrill sliding down the helix they create. Kat is much more reserved and retains composure until I leave the castle. Then she proceeds to drink Caffe and ride the rails like there is no tomorrow to come. Makes her very twitchy. Yes, my dear sister, I have two maids in my possession now. This place has broom closets blossoming out of the stone work left and right! Why not make good use of them?! 
     Method and Madness is what they are teaching me, your treasured sister, in the University of Moscovia. The madness is without the slightest of doubts arithmetic. What utter and complete uselessness! An abacus is this ridiculous piece of equipment that apparently means something to the frail old Abacist teaching us. This is the time I get my beauty sleep. Jimina singing, "How 'bout them cowboys! Boys ain't them somethin!" at the top of her very powerful lungs typically prevents that from happening at the normal hour. Sliding the staircases, eating raw fish and the constant yelling just proves that the girl is never going to fully adapt to civilization. Although mad, she is very entertaining to watch. One wonders what could possibly be going though her mind as she is whooping and chasing wild goats through the mountains of Kendavisk.
     My other Professors prefer to teach more stable subjects. Have you heard of this thing called Anthropology? A man named Indiana Jones invented it. Alas, lectures filled with droopy eyed students are much more boring than Mr. Jones' adventures. My teacher rambles on for hours about monkeys. He swears upon my beautiful Moscovia that we're decedents of monkeys! That is the animal our lovely younger brother carries on his shoulder! Completely absurd.  Our sister Phoebus was also gifted one for her birthday. She named it Ben. Kat, the new maid, she hates to clean up after them so I told Jimina to leave hers out in the forest.
    Oh see how I have rambled on?! It is most appalling. I must learn to organize my thought more. I hope all is well in Selatten! Cousin Ducky is coming to visit during the waning of the moon. I am thrilled to say in the least. Have you done any traveling lately?

Love always,
Queen Chaltrese the Very First