Bonjour! My extensive travels to further my knowledge of the fine country we live in have brought me to the land of Chelanteste (i think perhaps they were trying to please you by naming it after you).
I am told that this is a land of beauty beyond all comprehension. It is said to have a lake, rivers, orchards of all kinds, vineyards, and a quaint little village.
This is a view of the town from the well know Chelanteste Butte (I shall not tell you how they pronounce the word butte, but just know they pronounce it in a way that would make you, dear sister, most delighted)
Until the following day when we awoke to this...
The foolish fireworks display personal had made a mistake and now there are fires all around. I have never been more grateful for all the training we received as children on how to be polite in even the most dire, and worst of circumstances. I must say I have done well declaring that it just smells like a delightful campfire, and how I love to camp so I don't mind at all. The smoke truly has made for some beautiful sunsets. I did of course continue my public appearances for the first two weeks, as should be expected, and have enjoyed some lovely tours. It does help that my golden coach is so pleasant to ride in, and it equipped with a lovely fresh air system so i can just sit inside and wave at the people of the village as i go by.
They built this spectacular bridge just for my visit. It is part of a road only open to me so that i don't have to be bothered with traffic, quite generous of them i must say. I did thank them for the kindness.
Now the past few days we have cancelled all activities as they are declaring the need for all (myself included!!!) to wear masks. They expect me, Alnoncetta, to wear this!
I don't know what it's made of but it scratches my delicate skin, and that is unacceptable! So i have ordered a solid white gold, with 100% pure silk lining mask to be made for me, and am now awaiting it's arrival. Apparently it might take a while due to something about gold not really being material that is breathable, but i trust they will work out the problem in no time.
Meanwhile i am enjoying visiting with the lovely people who have so kindly opened their castle to us.
I am scheduled for daily spa treatments, due to the dryness of the air, and those have been very relaxing. Oh yes, also a new wardrobe must be ordered for the next part of my journey as everything smells of smoke. That is a tedious task, but it must be done. My stylists have arrived now and Seignour (the butler here) is about to let them in so I must promptly end this letter by saying, I do look forward to the second half of my time here. The people have been so welcoming and such a joy to spend time with. I think I shall have to return again another time to enjoy the beauty when i can go on a tour from my yacht, and perhaps then you can come with me.
Au rivoir for now.
spell revior right and youre good:) made me smile! i miss you sister!