Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Letters from Selatten!

My Dear Sister Chaltreste ~

The weather man is still ignoring my calls and letters about this appalling weather he has been ordering up. Doesn't he know that Alnoncetta wants sunshine and warmth, and what Alnoncetta wants she demands to receive (or wait maybe that is more characteristic of you my dear sister). It matters not. Tomorrow i expect to see the sun or there shall be consequences. For you see tomorrow we have plans to visit the Royal Gardens for a delightful picnic.

The people of Selatten are quite peculiar, and i've had a delightful time photographing some of the curious things i see. Here is a prime example.
When trees die in Selatten we mourn them. We have memorials for them. We apologize for chopping them down. I'm terribly afraid that i may have offended some of those commoners walking around me when i loudly declared "i shall use the wood for a giant bonfire and we shall roast those delightful cloud puffs you all call marsh mellows" I think it was a brilliant idea, really one of my best ones yet but i guess not everyone is as wise as i am.

Well dearest sister I fear i am about to be called to dinner so i shall leave you with just this reminder. Don't forget to take your chocolate pills every night they help you to stay young and healthy. (this i learned at Theo's and it's an important that you to remember)


1 comment:

  1. This isnt related to the above post awesome though it is but is rather related to the Poem you have on the opening page. Its BRILLIANT!!
