Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Letters from Selatten!

My Dear Sister Chaltreste ~

The weather man is still ignoring my calls and letters about this appalling weather he has been ordering up. Doesn't he know that Alnoncetta wants sunshine and warmth, and what Alnoncetta wants she demands to receive (or wait maybe that is more characteristic of you my dear sister). It matters not. Tomorrow i expect to see the sun or there shall be consequences. For you see tomorrow we have plans to visit the Royal Gardens for a delightful picnic.

The people of Selatten are quite peculiar, and i've had a delightful time photographing some of the curious things i see. Here is a prime example.
When trees die in Selatten we mourn them. We have memorials for them. We apologize for chopping them down. I'm terribly afraid that i may have offended some of those commoners walking around me when i loudly declared "i shall use the wood for a giant bonfire and we shall roast those delightful cloud puffs you all call marsh mellows" I think it was a brilliant idea, really one of my best ones yet but i guess not everyone is as wise as i am.

Well dearest sister I fear i am about to be called to dinner so i shall leave you with just this reminder. Don't forget to take your chocolate pills every night they help you to stay young and healthy. (this i learned at Theo's and it's an important that you to remember)


Do you know the Internets?!

Dearest Allnoncetta,
     It has been over a year since we have written, a tragedy one would say. However I am not one of those ones! For now I have ever so many tales to weave you a picture of. Life did pause for a long while after you left, my adventuresome spirit was (slightly) subdued. Oh we did our typical games; whacking a ball back and forth amidst hoots of laughter as one person punched it, risking everything with our small armies on a colorful board, and of course lots of crafting. Boredom was creeping upon me. What to do, what to do?! 
Then, one dark and dreary day, Jimina moved into town and needed a place to stay. 

     Picture This.
               One bright day in the middle of May, (January didn't rhyme.) I, Chaltreste was feeling especially generositous towards the world. When I received the message the Jimina was in need of a place to stay, I very promptly responded with one of my fastest birds.
        Jimina! I've been in dire need of a cook! How soon can you be here? I have a spacious broom closet available for your habitation.
                        P.S. Rent wilt be $500 
Not one person could ever pass up such a great deal. Which means, Jimina showed up the next day. I naturally saddled up my noble steed, and rode off to the landing pad. When Jimina's hot air balloon arrived, she promptly rollered herself up in a rug and tied it to my horse and off we went! You could hear her hoots of laughter as the rug was dragged along, hitting every bump and boulder along the road. She is a weird one....(Alnoncetta, dear, I know you have such troubles picturing things. I thought this would help!)
Jimina quickly settled into her new habitation. The more chores she was given, the more she loved living in Moscovia. Well, her chores weren't exactly tough. I found Jimina to be so amusing that I appointed her Court Jester. Forsooth, it tis a good thing that I was oh so very entertained by Jimina, for I woke up one morning to find that the silly girl had painted little sayings and dictionary explanations all over the castle! "Quaff: To drink deeply." One would assume that Jimina was a drunken sot since she wrote such things! Never fear! Drunkeness is not in her nature. However, she does have a touch of the wild in her. Every now and again, one can catch a glimpse of it in her eye. One day she asked me, hair flying wildly around her face, "Do you know the Internets?!" Nobody had the faintest idea as to what she was talking about. Not even my wise scholars that I keep on hand for when I don't feel like doing the mathmatics! Whenever she gets a little too berserk (Moscovia does that to people.) I drags her out to Kendavisk where our dear relatives, the Scootoons, live....

Alas my dear sister, that is a story for another day. I must be going. Duty calls! Somedays I swear there will never be an end to the things I must fix for my loyal subjects. Nay, I do not mind giving aid. In fact, I quite enjoy forcing my opinions on others! 

Well as one would say, TOODLES!
Queen Chaltreste the very first.