Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh the things that are thought. Chapter 2

     Back to the Basics
     It all began with a skirt.

     Once upon a time, there were two sisters who lived far far away. Far away from each other that is. Millions of miles apart in fact. One sister, Chaltreste, lived in the the very empty country of Montana. Nothing but sky and fields as far as the eye could see. It was extremely beautiful. The other sister, Alnoncetta, lived in Moscow. You may ask if it was the city in Idaho or the city in Russia. The answer is Russia. Idaho is too lame for anyone to live in.
     Chalreste worked a very prestigious location. Staples. To cool for words. But the uniforms were something terrible to behold. Bright red polo shirts are not the most becoming item of clothing a person could wear. So she learned to suffer through the scorn with her mouth shut. As the days swept by, she felt as if her brains were slowly seeping out her ears. Its amazing how tired one can get of saying the phrase, "Have a nice day." Just when she started to believe that nothing could ever be entertaining again, she recieved a phone call from Alnoncetta. She was coming to visit! Chaltreste nearly squealed she was so very delighted. She even managed to wrestle a few days off from the all powerful coporation. The days to her sisters trip simply couldnt arrive soon enough!
     Finally, the crunch of gravel in the driveway could be heard as her sisters chariot pulled in. Tired and exausted, Alnoncetta swept gracefully through the doorway and requested in a loud voice, "Please, mah dearr sista, I need a place to rest mah weary head." Chaltreste showed her a broom closet that she could sleep in and promised that all of her belongings would be taken care of. Very pleased with her sleeping quarters, Alnoncetta fell asleep. (You see, the broom closet was much bigger than her room at home.) Now, to Chaltreste, taking care of Alnoncetta's belongings ment that she was going to try on all of her sisters clothes. For she needed some new outfits something dreadful.
     Chaltreste, upon confirming that her sister was asleep, immediately started digging through the closet Alnoncetta packed. For the first time ever, there was nothing that she wanted to try on. In her desperation for something pretty, Chaltreste slowly dug through the suit case one more time. Just as she was nearing the bottom of the huge pile, she spotted it. Beautiful waves of black fabric. Slowly, inch by tiny inch, she reached a hand tward it and gently pulled out. It was the most perfect black skirt she had ever seen! Her joy was simply unending when she discoverd how well it went with the heinous red sweater that she wore to work. Chaltreste nearly fainted when she discovered that she could actually say she looked cute in work clothes!
     Right on cue, Alnoncetta walked in to the room, took one look at Chaltreste and said "Take it off right now." In a sweet voice that had underlying threats all over it. Poor Chaltreste begged and pleaded with her sister. For she could handle working again if only she had a decent outfit to wear. Sadly all of her requests were brutaly denied. Yet, somehow, life went on. The two sisters had the most fantastic time together. All too soon, Alnoncettas chariot pulled up to take her away. Home to her tiny kitchen and non-existent bedroom.
     Months down the road.....
          "Sister dearest!" Chaltreste cried over the phone, "Might'nt I have that beautiful skirt? Perhaps buy it from you?" To her surprise, Alnoncetted responded with a positive answer. They now mail the skirt back a forth and share the beautiful skirt. In fact, they loved sharing so much, that they figure they might as well be roommates so they could have more fun times together! (They now live in the Idaho Moscow. Coolest place ever since the two crazy sisters now reside there.)

Now the real story begins! aka Adventures of Moscow........

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